Ariel Lanada

A nurse and educator by profession, Ariel was born and brought-up in the Philippines.  He received his Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Central Philippine University as a government scholar. He rose to a senior nursing position before being recruited by Oxford University Hospitals in 2002. He worked for many years in Adult Intensive Care before being appointed as the Trust’s Nursing Lead for Adult Diabetes. Currently, Ariel is a Divisional Lead for Practice Development and Education.

Ariel obtained an MSc in Nursing Education from Oxford Brookes University and is currently finishing his Doctor of Education.  He is an Associate Lecturer at Brookes and an Assistant Professor of Nursing at Central Philippine University.

Ariel’s particular interests lie in education and personal development, community cohesion and integration, and diversity and inclusion.  He is Chair of the Oxford University Hospitals Black, Asian and Minority Ethic Staff Network, Chair of the Filipino Community of Oxfordshire, and President of the national Filipino Nurses Association UK. Ariel has been involved in many community initiatives ranging from distribution of free hot lunches to NHS staff at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, through organising sports tournaments, to providing physical and emotional pastoral support for those in need. Ariel gained British Citizenship in 2009 and lives in Headington.


Robert Kirtland


James Macnamara CStJ TD VR JP